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More information at: library.campbell.edu/symposium
Tuesday March 25, 2025 10:30am - 11:00am EDT
Over the last decade, videogaming has increased in popularity with some of these gamers turning their hobbies into robust careers. Due to prolonged sitting and repetitive use required, video gamers are prone to injuries of the neck and upper extremity. A variety of conservative treatments may be used for these musculoskeletal injuries, but other treatment options may include injection therapies. Dextrose prolotherapy, an injection therapy, has shown to be effective in various musculoskeletal conditions, most notably, osteoarthritis (OA). Its proposed mechanism is that increasing inflammation prompts a proliferative response, resulting in increased strength and stability at the injection site. In this case, dextrose prolotherapy was used to treat a 34-year-old female hobby gamer who presented with pain in her right thumb. The patient was diagnosed with a sprained first CMC joint, and a dextrose solution was injected into the joint space.
Student Presenters Mentors
Tuesday March 25, 2025 10:30am - 11:00am EDT
Wiggins Memorial Library, Room 312

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