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Tuesday March 25, 2025 3:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
Case: Gallstones were discovered during dissection of a 104-year-old female whose cause of death was kidney failure. Additionally, white chalky deposits were present in peri-pancreatic fat, suggestive of fat necrosis and saponification seen in cases of pancreatitis. Photographs and samples of the lesions were collected and histologic processing was performed. Findings: The gallstones were consistent with cholesterol stones, and although a common sequela of gallstones, there was no evidence of pancreatitis microscopically. Discussion: Surgery is the primary treatment for gallstones; however, when nonsurgical options warrant consideration, such as in elderly patients, osteopathic manipulative treatment may improve symptoms and relieve pain.
Tuesday March 25, 2025 3:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
Ballrooms A&B, Oscar Harris Student Union

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