Don’t miss your opportunity to be a part of this event, now a highly anticipated Campbell tradition, a decade in the making!
More information at: library.campbell.edu/symposium
Tuesday March 25, 2025 3:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
Green chemical reactions use safer and less toxic reagents compared to traditional reaction conditions, which may involve harsh and hazardous compounds. A Wittig reaction using green reaction conditions was introduced into the organic chemistry labs at Campbell University in 2018. The synthesis resulted in a method that was safer but produced low yields and impure product. This work focuses on improving yields and purity via optimization of reaction time, temperature, concentrations, and other variables including workup modifications. Recrystallization trials with alternative solvents have shown increased yields. These improvements and other progress towards yield and purity improvements will be reported.
Student Presenters Mentors
Tuesday March 25, 2025 3:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
Ballrooms A&B, Oscar Harris Student Union

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