College of Arts & Sciences clear filter
10:00am EDT
10:30am EDT
11:00am EDT
11:30am EDT
12:00pm EDT
Factors Involved With Gender Discrimination in Leadership Wiggins Memorial Library, Room 303 Hannah Byers • Dr. David Thornton
Nature vs. Nurture in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Wiggins Memorial Library, Room 301 Lilly Johnson • Dr. Elizabeth Rambo
"ACH", a typographic logo Wiggins Memorial Library, Second Floor Exhibition Allyson Hatcher • Prof. Dejan Mraovic
"Below", a photomontage Wiggins Memorial Library, Second Floor Exhibition Simon Osbourne • Prof. Dejan Mraovic
"Eye of the Egg", a surrealist photomontage Wiggins Memorial Library, Second Floor Exhibition Sydnee Hartman • Prof. Dejan Mraovic
A book sleeve for "The Bridge on The Drina" by Ivo Andrić (1961 Literature Nobel Prize Winner) Wiggins Memorial Library, Second Floor Exhibition Joshua Sledge • Prof. Dejan Mraovic
Comic Relief Wiggins Memorial Library, Second Floor Exhibition Helen Arsenault • Prof. Dejan Mraovic
Crimson Shoreline Jar Wiggins Memorial Library, Second Floor Exhibition Gunnar Hardt • Prof. Ray Im
Curvature Wiggins Memorial Library, Second Floor Exhibition Colleen Cassell • Prof. Ray Im
Dr. Matthew H. Young as Plato Wiggins Memorial Library, Second Floor Exhibition Susannah Young • Prof. Ray Im
Drink Me Wiggins Memorial Library, Second Floor Exhibition Kaitlyn Buckner • Prof. Ray Im
Light of the World Wiggins Memorial Library, Second Floor Exhibition Matthias Johnson • Prof. Dejan Mraovic
Moonlight Wiggins Memorial Library, Second Floor Exhibition Jamari Cannady Pratt • Prof. Ray Im
Powerful Women Wiggins Memorial Library, Second Floor Exhibition Meredith Ashburn • Prof. Dejan Mraovic
The Perverted Angel Wiggins Memorial Library, Second Floor Exhibition Ivy White • Prof. Ray Im
Western Skies Wiggins Memorial Library, Second Floor Exhibition Krystal Catalan • Prof. Ray Im
“Lucas Design” a Personal logo Design Wiggins Memorial Library, Second Floor Exhibition Noah Lucas • Prof. Dejan Mraovic
12:30pm EDT
1:00pm EDT
1:30pm EDT
2:00pm EDT
2:30pm EDT
3:00pm EDT
3:30pm EDT
4:10pm EDT