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School: College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences clear filter
Tuesday, March 25

2:30pm EDT

3:30pm EDT

An Analysis of Opioid Use for Chronic Pain in US Adults Utilizing the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) from 2010-2019 Ballrooms A&B, Oscar Harris Student UnionStephen Marquardt • Nikita Janodia • Dr. Melissa Holland • Dr. Michael Jiroutek An Evaluation of Depression and Anxiety in US Adults Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2019-2022) Utilizing the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Ballrooms A&B, Oscar Harris Student UnionGabrielle Schmale • Dr. Melissa Holland • Dr. Michael Jiroutek An Examination of Mobile Food Unit Ownership and Operation in Johnston County, North Carolina Ballrooms A&B, Oscar Harris Student UnionLogan Blackmon • Dr. Emily Bailey Anti-proliferative effects of Aristotelia chilensis and Berberis microphylla plant extracts on neuroblastoma cells Ballrooms A&B, Oscar Harris Student UnionAbdelhak Sidaoui • Dr . Victor Pulgar Assessing Fibromyalgia Diagnosis Trends and Association with Common Comorbidities using the NAMCS from 2010-2019 Ballrooms A&B, Oscar Harris Student UnionAnthony Rubano • Dr. Susan Misciagno Beta Blocker Induced Hallucinations: A Case Report and Review of Literature Ballrooms A&B, Oscar Harris Student UnionChristian Garner • Dr. Grace Barr Effect of Physical Exercise During Pregnancy on Childbirth Complications Ballrooms A&B, Oscar Harris Student UnionZoe Hoffman-Edminster • Baileigh Middleton • Prof. Sharon Boyd Fighting Against Workplace Violence on Healthcare Personnel Ballrooms A&B, Oscar Harris Student UnionChristian Contreras • Prof. Sharon Boyd • Prof. Laurie Maki Get it Together New Jersey Ballrooms A&B, Oscar Harris Student UnionSarah Schnauss • Prof. Sharon Boyd • Prof. Laurie Maki Health Education Disparities in Patients with T2DM Using Data from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) Ballrooms A&B, Oscar Harris Student UnionJaden C. Zanek • Dr. Michael Jiroutek Investigating a potential mouse model of bipolar disorder: behavioral effects of raising brain cholesterol Ballrooms A&B, Oscar Harris Student UnionJuniki Langle • Mara Morley • Dr. Christopher Breivogel Optimized Drug Delivery with Immediate-Release Core and Enteric-Coated Modified-Release Tablets Ballrooms A&B, Oscar Harris Student UnionShravani Musale • Dr. Antoine Al-Achi Physician-Assisted Suicide (Death) in NC: Why Policy Matters Ballrooms A&B, Oscar Harris Student UnionSavannah-Grace Jones • Prof. Sharon Boyd • Prof. Laurie Maki Prescribing Trends of Montelukast Before and After FDA Labeling Mandates, Utilizing the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) for the Years 2003-2019 Ballrooms A&B, Oscar Harris Student UnionAudrey Worrell • Dr. Melissa Holland • Dr. Michael Jiroutek Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 S RBD Protein Expression and Receptor Binding Study Ballrooms A&B, Oscar Harris Student UnionVishwa Patel • Dr. Sarah Liu Targeting Keap1 for Nrf2 Activation: A Novel Approach for Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment Ballrooms A&B, Oscar Harris Student UnionPooja D. Patel • Dr. Xin Chen The Effect of Interventions on Running Time, Speed and Distance in Chronic TBI Patients Ballrooms A&B, Oscar Harris Student UnionMegan Jackson • Dr. Michelle Green
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