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Company: Law clear filter
Tuesday, March 25

12:00pm EDT

Leandro and the Right to Education in North Carolina
Tuesday March 25, 2025 12:00pm - 12:30pm EDT
North Carolina's Constitution has long recognized that the people of our State enjoy a right to education and that it is the duty of the State to guard and maintain that right. The North Carolina Supreme Court affirmed the substantive character of that right in 1997 in Leandro v. State, but has since struggled to enforce and protect it. Despite recognized violations of the constitutional right to education in Hoke County, a remedy has yet to be realized. This work chronicles the history of the right to education in North Carolina, establishes the challenges with judicial enforcement, and proposes strategies to more effectively enforce the right and/or realize relief for violations going forward.
Student Presenters Mentors
Tuesday March 25, 2025 12:00pm - 12:30pm EDT
Wiggins Memorial Library, Room 312
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